Application Form for an In Year Admission Harpenden Academy
Harpenden Academy manage their own in year admissions.
If you would like your child to be added to the year group waiting list then please complete this in year application form and your child will be added to the relevant list. Spaces are allocated from the admissions waiting list as per the rules in our admissions policy. If you have any queries then please give the school office a call on 01582 716910 or you can email the school office for further advice.
List of Allowed file types
Present School/Nursery Details
If requesting a place in EYFS please give details of your child's nursery
* Documentation required. A full explanation of each criteria can be found in our Admissions policy on our website. Please read carefully before submitting your application and ensure you have provided us with the necessary paperwork.
List of Allowed file types
Documentation Checklist
If applying under Rule 1, 2, 5 and 6 please tick the relevant boxes to show that you have provided all of the documentation.
Rule 1 (Children Looked After)
List of Allowed file types
Rule 2 (Medical or Social)
List of Allowed file types
Rule 5 (Nearest School) and Rule 6 (Distance)
You must provide all of these documents showing the names of all adults living at the property
List of Allowed file types
List of Allowed file types
Parent Declaration
If you deliberately give false information, the offer of a school place may be withdrawn. All of the information I have given on this form is correct and up-to-date. I understand that you will inform my child's current school of this application and will share the information in this application with the local authority. I understand that my child must be able to take up the allocated school place immediately and that the place may be withdrawn if not accepted within 10 days.
This completed form and supporting documentation will be sent directly to the Admissions Office at Harpenden Academy.