Nursery Application form 2024/25
To be eligible for a place at Whitefriars Nursery, your child must be born between 1st September 2020 and 31 August 2021.
To apply for a nursery place to start in September 2024 please complete the application form below.
If you need an immediate nursery school place (DOB between 01.09.2019 and 31.08.2020) please contact the school direct.
Your child can attend nursery either in the mornings or afternoons You will be given the option during your application, or if either session is acceptable to you.
To complete the application you will need:- Information about your child, Proof of address and Date of Birth, your preferred attendance session.
You will be notified about the outcome of your application week beginning 11th March. Parents who are unsuccessful in securing a place will automatically be placed on the school's waiting list.
For further information about our admissions criteria please see Admissions Policy 2024-25
List of Allowed file types
List of Allowed file types
Present Nursery or Pre-school (if any)
Name of Siblings. Does your child have a brother or sister currently attending this school?
Please provide in the section below any additional information to support your application. For example, is your child known to Harrow's Special Education Needs and Review service? Is your child looked after? Does your child have a special medical or social reason to attend this school? Are you a member of school staff?