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Adult Safeguarding Alert

Safeguarding is our highest priority at Park Road Academy Primary School and we thank you for sharing your worry or concern with us. We all have a duty to safeguard children. If you believe that a child is at immediate risk of harm, please contact the police on 999. 

We thank you for sharing your concerns with us. Following this, we will follow our safeguarding procedures which are outlined in Keeping Children Safe in Education and our Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy. We might not be able to discuss your disclosure further with you or detail the actions we have taken in light of it, but we ask that you trust in the school to act in the best interest of the child/ren with their welfare and safety as a priority.



A number of approval stages need to be completed before this submission can be accepted.
Notify DSL's
Appropriate approvers from the Notify DSL's group will be automatically allocated for this approval stage.
Headteacher sign off
Appropriate approvers from the Headteacher sign off group will be automatically allocated for this approval stage.