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School Confidentiality Agreement - Volunteers/Students

For the purpose of this agreement, “confidential information” will include all information or material that has or could have value, commercial or otherwise, in the business in which the disclosing party is engaged.

I declare that I will only share or disclose information regarding the school with other professionals who have a legitimate need to know about it. I will, therefore:

·      Not disclose confidential information to any unauthorised person without the discloser’s consent.

·      Act in good faith at all times in relation to the disclosure of confidential information.

·      Not post confidential information regarding pupils, staff, parents or other stakeholders on social media. Nor will I contribute to discussions on social media regarding the school or anyone associated with it.

·      Ensure that anything I hear that questions the professionalism of a member staff or volunteer of the school is reported to the headteacher immediately.

·      Ensure that if I notice anything of concern regarding the protection or safeguarding of a child, I will report it immediately to the headteacher.

·      Assure that conversations of a sensitive nature regarding pupils, parents, staff, volunteers or other stakeholders take place in a private space.

·      Comply with the school’s Records Management Policy when completing tasks pertaining to paperwork or online documents that include personal or sensitive information.

·      Be fully aware that other staff, volunteers or stakeholders may have connections within the school and may overhear conversations of a sensitive nature.

·      Uphold the good name and reputation of the school at all times; inside and outside of school.

I will hold and maintain the confidential information in strictest confidence for the sole and exclusive benefit of the school; therefore, I will not, without prior approval of the school, use for my own benefit, publish, copy, or otherwise disclose to others, or permit the use by others for their benefit or to the detriment of the school, any confidential information.

I have read and understood the school’s Staff and Volunteer Confidentiality Policy and will act in accordance with this policy at all times.

Information which may be deemed as ‘sensitive’ will not be disclosed to people where it is not wholly necessary. This includes information in relation to the following:

·      Pupils of the school

·      The running or management of the school

·      The school’s finances

·      Personal details of pupils or staff

·      Information regarding progress and attainment which is not published on the school website

By signing this agreement, you are agreeing to your duty to hold confidential information in confidence – this will remain in effect until the information no longer qualifies as confidential, or until the school sends written notice releasing you from this agreement, whichever occurs first.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the headteacher on or 0161 972 4820, or the Data Protection Officer on