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Top 35 Workflows - Your Summer Checklist

To help you get ready for the 2021-2022 school year, we’re offering to help build up to three (3) forms / workflows in your Operoo account! Below, you will see a list of the top 35 types that are being used by UK schools in Operoo.

Simply select up to three (3) that you would like us to help build in your Operoo environment. Please note that this request will go through a brief approval process at Operoo, and we may also need to request clarification or example paper forms, so please expect a short delay and required input from you too.

For more information on the top 35 workflows, check out the article here!



List of Allowed file types

Note: Please do not send locked PDFs, as recreating the form will take too long.


A number of approval stages need to be completed before this submission can be accepted.
Operoo Team Review
Appropriate approvers from the Operoo Team Review group will be automatically allocated for this approval stage.